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The Western

The Western is a real-life western set in Poland: a project that explores the idea of the west through music and performance, bringing together two disparate groups: pre-christian pagan performers from rural southern Poland with Teatr Studio, an avant-garde theater in central Warsaw. Poland is a frontier of sorts – “the west” begins somewhere in the Balkans and ends in California, so what better place to ask: What is the west?

The project began with a research trip to rural southern Poland to interview and film regional practitioners of pagan performance, or Dziady. These performances can be traced to the middle ages, and are potentially pre-christian in origin.  I returned to Warsaw to work with a Polish costume designer, eight accordionists, and a production team at Teatr Studio to merge the hyper-regional idea of dziady with cowboy iconography. The work culminated in a twenty-minute performance with sound and and a horse on the plaza of Joseph Stalin’s Palace of Culture and Science.

The CalArts Center for New Performance and Teatr Studio with kind support of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute

Palace of Culture and Science

Warsaw, Poland

June 23, 2018

The Western, 2018. at Joseph Stalin’s Palace of Culture and Science.