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Juniper is a meditation on the ghostly, vast landscape of the American West. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Ennio Morricone — working with the composer’s same Italian-made echo machines — Juniper evokes the spaciousness of this landscape.

The two pieces that comprise Juniper are complementary refractions. While the lead track “Great Basin,” recorded as an improvisation with Andrew Tholl, represents a human’s description of the land in California, the second track “Light + Space” operates more like the landscape itself: patient and waiting—changing in the light—and evolving in an organic way. Both tracks derive their ethos from Kallmyer’s time spent making work in the ghost town Rhyolite, Nevada, on the rim of Death Valley.

Released on cassette at Soap Library

Side A – Great Basin

Side B – Light + Space

All songs written and performed by Chris Kallmyer with Andrew Tholl on percussion.

Recorded by Kallmyer in Los Angeles

Mixed and Mastered by Lewis Pesacov at Ahata Sound in Los Angeles

Artwork by Chris Kallmyer

Design + Layout by Jonathan Campolo


Juniper is available in cassette and digital formats on October 12, 2018. Physical copies of the tape will be accompanied by a small pouch of Holy Basil tea, intended to be enjoyed in earnest with the music.