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House Band

In a vain attempt to conjure the void, House Band is on a journey to awakening, leading the audience on a trip towards the great collapse of existence into everything and nothing. Also, we are the house band to an academic conference, styled after the house bands found on late night television. The project follows my continuing interest in using the collective as a model for collaboration and the creation of new interdisciplinary works in real time and space.

Masks were worn that are a hybrid of Japanese komusō, pagan Irish traditions, and Blues Brothers good vibes. The band portrays the artist as cool kid while at the same time acting as mystic and medium between the visible and invisible worlds.

House Band is Clinton Patterson, Andrew Tholl, & Chris Kallmyer

Commissioned by Voices In Contemporary Art for their 2018 Summit. Performed at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art on January 26, 2018.

Thanks to Chad Alligood, Robin Clark, Margaret Graham, Lauren Shadford, and Jill Sterrett, who made this project possible.

VoCA Summit at SFMOMA 2018, photo by Charles Villyard

VoCA Summit at SFMOMA 2018, photo by Charles Villyard