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Furniture Music

Furniture Music is a research-based studio that designs sounding goods for the home and site-responsive works for sound in situ. Founded in 2021 by Chris Kallmyer, the work is shaped by Chris’ fifteen years of studio practice as an artist and musician in Los Angeles.

Chris created Furniture Music as a project where he could develop material projects like chimes, fountains, and handmade bells. Featured in the New Yorker and The New York Times in a 2021 collaboration with the Grammy-nominated chamber orchestra, Wild Up, the chimes have been characterized as “surprisingly complex” by the music writer, Alex Ross. The current season is based on the circle of fifths, a system of organizing harmony favored by musicians like Pythagoras and John Coltrane, visionaries like Donna Summer and Erik Satie, and degenerates from Ancient Mesopotamia to Contemporary Los Angeles.

The studio works directly with architects, individuals, and cultural institutions on projects that use sound as a tool to address the relationship between landscape, ecology, and community. Recent projects have included a fountain to mark the home and studio of a visually impaired potter, a mystic print for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and a bird garden for a new home in West Hollywood.

FM Studio is located in Petaluma, CA and works throughout the state with partners in design, fine art, and landscape.

UPPERS and DOWNERS, two harmonic strategies for grounding or lifting. Made from deodor cedar milled in Los Angeles by Angel City Lumber and powder coated aluminum.

BRANCUSI, two tone chime in the foothills of Los Angeles

FOUNTAIN, carved granite, to mark the home and studio of Don Katz, The Blind Potter

FOUNTAIN, carved granite, detail

GARDEN for the Blind Potter – developed in dialogue with the Theodore Payne Foundation – a strategy for a biodiverse bird garden in Southern California.