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Now available at Workshop Residence
After working with bells in projects for more than a decade, I’ve begun making my own in a daily ceramics practice. I go to a studio near my home, throw clay, and glaze these bells in small runs as an unlimited edition. These are bells for the home – for friends – for visitors – as gifts – to mark occasions – for joyful comings and solemn goings. They are made of clay because the first bells were clay, made in China in 3000 BC to track their livestock. I love the idea that in early agriculture, soil fed the grass that fed the animals, and that soil tracked the herd for the herdsman in the form of cowbell pottery. It’s these new clay bells – medium fired for a long ring, that will be heading north to Workshop Residence 5000 years later. A bell can welcome guests to your home, call kids to dinner, or look smart sitting on a shelf waiting to ring.


These bells are available at the shop alongside works by Ann Hamilton, Max Lamb, and Hannah B Quinn’s handmade brooms.